'Begotten', thinks a Josef Ratzinger to himself nervously. 'How do I to The Hague explain that I signed and sealed with my ring an execution order on those, who to the truth aligned via the Abbey of the Holy Rose and slandered beyond recognition their order because they spoke the truth and blew the whistle on my unbegotten hierarchy from pulpit and pew?!' By Sigrid Countess von Galen

'Begotten', thinks a Josef Ratzinger to himself nervously. 'How do I to The Hague explain that I signed 'Begotten', thinks a Josef Ratzinger to himself nervously. 'How do I to The Hague explain that I signed and sealed with my ring an execution order on those, who to the truth aligned via the Abbey of the Holy Rose and slandered beyond recognition their order because they spoke the truth and blew the whistle on my unbegotten hierarchy from pulpit and pew?!'

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

'Begotten', says Josef Ratzinger to himself, 'why did I not simply admit that I ordered also on the Mother and Father Superior of the Abbey and Order of the Holy Rose numerous a murderous hit, and had their friends and family partly bribed, partly threatened and killed, and via psychological warfare and gaslighting paired with organised criminality locally and internationally isolated and confined and even around their corner in separation bordered.'

'Why, oh why,' thinks secretly to himself a Josef Ratzinger, ''did I about the eggs lie and put all the wrong rotten stories in the official Vatican shelf, as I just haven't got a clue, how else to keep under lock the unknown real mystery of children, who were begotten, not made, and now I stand as the last in the queue of the disbelieving Thomas twelves, who all try to plead 'not guilty' and frame each other and every sister or brother, with whose friendship they did never bother, for an impunity deal.

Says the Mother Superior:
Mr Ratzinger, it is one thing to try to teach the mystery of a womb that was 'begotten' but quite another matter to steal repeatedly illegally eggs from a virgin's womb under the excuse of an operation and to use them to the latter for enforced and involuntary artificial insemination on other women, 

who were also carrying two strangers' child, as mixed a la carte illegally were the eggs with not just cardinals and bishops' semen - Herr Ratzinger, it is high time to face the music not just in Muenster also for this organised crime, 

as it is rotten to the core and so is the Vatican's secret creed of anabatismal heresy and greed and envy and blood lust that is being high-financed by Nazi loot and blackhole money offshore! And even your Cathedral organists play criminal tango at day and night da capo and encore...but even abuse their own child ritually and rape also habitually, all under the bishop's immunity and freemasonry and Templars' facilitation of immunity.'

Continues the Father Superior:

'Well, Herr Ratzinger, you had more than enough time to aid crime prevention and to stop treating your loose ends not just rough but giving them also poison in measures via incense, bread and wine via the boar swine cult that hides amongst your ranks of pranks and many died of an especially nasty potion and overdose and portion of not just a lethal viral cough! Time for an unannounced international raid, as even your latest 'Maid' from the prostitutional rather than confessional trade complained about the fact that her cheque bounced to an undercover, although she had performed for your guests a most unholy act...

You used as the Nazi Prince of the fourth empire also blackhole money and Nazi loot to bribe against the truth whole Marian legions and conventions in all regions! Not to forget the Jesuits' black sheep and wolves' elitist university monopoly that bullied and blackmailed and threatened into submission even many a government and royalty into criminal conspiracy and blood lust loyalty - one could almost say: Your legal entity is to almost all evil in this world the root and you are stil its secret host!

The time has come that not just some of your former allies do no longer want to fight the truth and truly want for their victims justice and peace and extend to them for starting the reconciliation process in every nation an apology! 

But it looks like you are hoping that the victims are dying before you, so that you can accuse them of lying, and you can again with the next generation of warfarers and crooks and their heirs' genes in modification via a monopoly on dehumanisation in globalisation as your dimension regroup and start mass execution with some mercenary coup!

You are not very well coping, it seems with your own returning hell, as the bell simply doesn't do the trick anymore in any shore to enforce your every death and silencing spell! Too many of your loose ends survived secretly the truth to tell! Herr Ratzinger! Don't jump to the conclusion that only because you had a dream of mind intrusion that you can alter the one good God's specification of begotten children, nor will you be able to turn the truth again into a fable
by having us slain or gone up in smoke -

you were not ever a decent bloke but one, who already played with the Neo-Pagans on the Obersalzberg blood ritualistic hokey-coke, and who throws against anybody, who speaks the truth your stones with a most evil streak! And your past as a lavish Vatican host is also coming to haunt you, as it suddenly does daunt even on the most innocent and intimidated victims of your brother that you and your very own secret brotherhood of child sexual exploitation have abused children in every single nation, when you hid amongst other religions and stolen identities and under abuse of immunity in all united nations...

Says a child most holy, meek and mild:

'Mr Ratzinger, it is one thing to try to teach the mystery of a womb that was 'begotten' but quite another matter to steal repeatedly eggs from a virgin's womb under the excuse of an operation and to use them to the latter for enforced and involuntary artificial insemination on other women, who were also carrying two strangers' child, 

as mixed a la carte illegally were the eggs with not just cardinals and bishops' semen - Herr Ratzinger, it is high time to face the music not just in Muenster also for this organised crime, as it is rotten to the core and so is the Vatican's secret creed of anabatismal heresy and greed and envy and blood lust that is being high-financed by Nazi loot and blackhole money offshore! And even your Cathedral organists play not just criminal tango at night da capo and encore...

And then, there is also the dark matter that you have via your cardinals between Austria and Australia and via priories in Haggerston, Hoxton and Boston and in Muenster and here and there, almost everywhere, stolen and illegally genetically modified tissue, eggs and body parts cloned to the latter.

Not even to speak of your successor's most evil streak as to torture facilities within St Peter's a host a la Frankenstein
experimentation - there are survivors, you know, who are going beyond the stage of lamentation and bring you to court and let you carry also their cross to every station, and include in that flock also many a royal heir!'

