Clemens August von Galen's after a last look that he at his murderers took! By Sigrid Countess von Galen
Clemens August von Galen's after a last look that he at his murderers took!
By Sigrid Countess von Galen
As now the evil ranks of pranks are ready to attack their own so far strategically silent majority indiscriminately, and nobody is left, who speaks out anymore, even the rats of the self-styled and self-serving elitist think tanks have jumped the ships of the rotten and unbegotten Vatican shore, and so, society as a whole is left to bury their dead as price for their walking dead apathy!
And suddenly there is a raging inner circle war raging with bounties on their own loose ends waging, and the former hunters and secret brothel and illegal experimental laboratory punters of the curia are the hunted even in their own oratory!
As they have become a liability to a hierarchy that unblushingly killed and blackmailed via its hierarchy internationally, with a firm grip on the stolen church treasures and defending heresy, as that was to them more worth than to restore peace simply through the truth in the archives stored secretly,
had the journalists, who were entrusted with information and real human beings' fate spoken out in time and not looked silent on like a mercenary con and had not sold their voice and soul for tuppence and bribery and property and for a place in an inner circle fascist hierarchy of superiority and under an evil pick-and mix black sun philosophy they could now sleep with a clear conscience, and so could humanity!
had the journalists, who were entrusted with information and real human beings' fate spoken out in time and not looked silent on like a mercenary con and had not sold their voice and soul for tuppence and bribery and property and for a place in an inner circle fascist hierarchy of superiority and under an evil pick-and mix black sun philosophy they could now sleep with a clear conscience, and so could humanity!
But many made again a choice for vanity, out of greed and lust for power or out of apathy, and for a lifestyle of hypocrisy! Only to be in the end anyway on their own, and at their funeral not a single facebook or twitter friend will have anymore their face shown, as their very existence and shore has become deniable but liable for prosecution - and not even a bad penny worth in either West, South, East or North an elitist Jesuit or Catholic education that misled regarding the truth and its organised criminality every single nation!
And no decent human being would even stay on to shake hands or greet in the street a secret society member of a church hierarchy, who signs against their own kin a death warrant as 'El Eljon' and who uses the 'Magic flute' with tragic consequences as their imagery for their lodges' or coven's signatory! The smokescreens are still the same, and, sadly, even many a name that still wants to kill the most vulnerable and poor and gain fame at the cost of many mass graves and lives via ritual knives on the altar lost!
I would have testified against the Holocaust aided by the Vatican curia, and given up my cardinal's post but I died in the hope that one day in the third generation my grandchildren would cope to speak out and to help the authorities to carry out investigations and a surprise raid in every nation and put wrong right with the one good God Jesus Christ's might at every cross station of Jesus Christ and give their long overdue justice to Mary Magdalene as Jesus Christ's wife and their children, who were not even granted a short life and to Lazarus as well, as there is so much more to tell that every shore put
under a silencing and death spell!'
under a silencing and death spell!'
By Sigrid Countess von Galen
Would you like to let the light of the truth shine on the Vatican's role in not just Herr Hitler's thirst for blood sacrifice to the rise of the black sun, Herr Ratzinger and Senor Bergoglio?! Want to deliver yet another last blow to a victim?! You better in a confession letter without concession but with an apology for a start mercy to the victims of systematic abuse and organised criminality of the Vatican show! As even your very own beast of an exorcist did at an orgy feast after mass with a microchipped and recording device bugged corgy once too often under diplomatic immunity about the black sun secret inner society boast, whilst IT did even via fibreoptic cables the fables right to Den Hague fart.
Why don't you tell to the world that the Vatican not only stole human eggs in forceful procedures from Roma/Sinti women for IVF- experiments but also young girls for an Inca style sacrifice with a blow to their head and stab in the heart with a Vatican ritual knife?!
One hell of a criminal supply chain with vulnerable children from ethnic minorities disappearing via the Vatican's spiderweb of a black sun worshipping secret brother- and sisterhood that has only human blood as its food!
You better now write a confession letter without concession to the United Nations and Den Hague and surrender your criminal occult organisation for worldwide forensic investigation and no longer kill law enforcement officers and foreign agents, who have been sent by prosecutions for crimes against humanity, and issue to the victims of a special silent kind of ongoing holocaust a long overdue apology, especially to the Roma and Sinti, who were framed and falsely shamed and wrongly blamed by your vicious circle entity of one hell of a church bell criminal entity!
And you might want to consider seriously the reality of witness testimony even posthumously by witnesses to the Vatican occult inner fascist society's activity from those, who had access to that kind of information, like a Clemens August von Galen and his family, and a Princess Alice, and a Dutch queen, who all had references about many such matters in their diary!
Holocaust Voices in poetry and fiction and other writings Light in the dark: Holocaust Voices in poetry and fiction and other writings,
By Sigrid Countess von Galen
A Series of journeys through time and space based on the lives and portraits of Holocaust victims and survivors, who lived and died for the truth,
This edition's feature: CLEMENS AUGUST VON GALEN, part 1:
 Also in this edition: - LITERATURE: Extract from the Novel: Gestatten: Harry Maximilian Clemens Galen, General a.D. - Das geknotete Taschentuch, by Sigrid E. Agocsi,
HOLOCAUST: Romani Rose - Time to
cut through the red tape: The Catholic Church and the Treatment of the Roma and Sinti in and after the Holocaust, LIFE: DEVELESKO CHAKANO: Mother Miri-Mary's Roma and Sinti RECIPE- and Tent- and Housekeeping Book,REFLECTION: 'What we hear of goodness in the silence of our heart, let us have the discernment to tell with wisdom.' James John Westcott, EDUCATION: SWAU-ENGO MARY MAGDALENE, JESUS CHRIST'S JUVEL - The Tears of Mary Magdalene, Jesus Christ's Wife, A little course in Romani Editor-in-Chief: Sigrid Countess von Galen Free, also in the use of poetical tongues All articles are written for free by the authors, and this journal is also publicly available for free via the internet. 'Share freely, what you have received freely.' Jesus Christ FEATURE: CLEMENS AUGUST VON GALEN, part 1: NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE That was the motto of Clemens August Cardinal von Galen. He is roaring from the grave as my ally with all his selfless and brave priests, who were executed by Hitler because von Galen challenged him publicly as the only German bishop. Hitler was too afraid of Galen's courage and only came to Muenster once therefore, and vowed to get rid of him after the war. It is interesting that von Galen died only five days after he had been made a cardinal - what a loss to the aftermath healing process. I often wonder, what he had to say to his fellow-bishops and cardinals after the war; obviously he had a lot of stories to share, which died with him. But his legacy carries on and is an obligation to us to challenge the evil and wrong, wherever we encounter it in all the ways God shows us. His priests shared his love for truth and justice and for the vulnerable and innocent sheep. If you are looking for a role-model, you don't have to look far. LITERATURE: Gestatten: Harry Maximilian Clemens Galen, General a.D. - Das geknotete Taschentuch, Extract from the Novel by Sigrid Countess von Galen 1 Harry Galen wacht auf, nicht sicher, woher er gerade gekommen ist. Er kam aus einer Sphaere von gleissenden Strahlen, die nur Sterbende nicht blendet, denn sie scheint so vertraut und ist von einer wahrheitsschwangeren Stille, in der er sein Leben in friedvoller Ruhe, aber auch in Lichtgeschwindigkeit Revue passieren lassen konnte, und er ist nicht sicher, ob er kurz davor stand, dass Gott ihn zum naechsten Schritt sendet, und er Yahweh ziemlich bald ins Auge sehen muss. Aber anscheinend hatten die Engel in weiss den Befehl, ihm erst einmal nur zu uebermitteln Gottes Gruss aus naechster Naehe, damit er nach seiner erneuten Rueckkehr in dieses Leben den Rest seiner verbleibenden Zeit dazu benutzen kann, das, was falsch gelaufen war, richtigzustellen als freiwillige Buss. Er hatte viele vertraute Gesichter gesehen, aber irgendwie schienen sie auch mit verschiedenen Zeiten und an den unterschiedlichsten und fremd oder veraendert wirkenden altbekannten Orten zu verschmelzen. Seine letzte detaillierte Erinnerung, bevor er aus der Narkose erwachte, war eine in diamantenem Schein zirkulierende weisse Rose, die sich immer schneller wie an einer Silberkette drehte, als er sich auf einer verschneiten Bergspitze befand - seine Gedanken ueberflogen ganze Bergkaemme - 'ach ja, ich war ja da zuletzt auf dem Hohenstaufen und auf dem Wilden Kaiser, wo wir uns bei einer Brotzeit und Enzian auch noch kurz taten vor der Schlittenabfahrt verschnaufen; und ich erinnere mich ploetzlich, dass ich auf dem Salzberg fuer irgendwelche oesterreichischen Herrschaften als kleiner Bub in der Fremde "auslaendische" (Berliner) Zeitungen kaufen musste und ganz allein zwischen Dorf und Berg hin- und zuruecklaufen.' Seine Gedanken ueberschlagen sich, und eine alte Ur-Angst vor dem Boesen und Wut zugleich ueberkommt ihn, als er die schwarzen SS-Lederstiefel an sich vorbeimarschieren hoert, und wie sich "die Stinkstiefel", wie er sie immer nannte, da sie herumkrakeelten, taten grenzenlos besaufen, waehrend in den Lagern in den Gaskammern oder irgendeiner anderen unertraeglichen Hoelle der Unmenschen unschuldige Seelen, Kinder und Erwachsene, vor allem Juden, Roma und Sinti, aber auch behinderte Menschen schweelten. Selbst in Poettmes hatte er miterlebt, wenn Gott mit Jesus Christus in Verzweiflung in stillen Schreien innerlich bebt, wenn sich der Teufel ueber das Gute mit seinen schwarzen Lederstiefeln erhebt und mit Parolen des Todes auf die Schwachen und Kranken und Armen ohne Erbarmen und mit einer realen Massenexekutionshoelle und Schnaps in Uebervoelle und seelenlosem Lachen trampelt. Harry Galen knotet zum ersten Mal in Gedanken sein Taschentuch, um eines Tages einen Weg zu finden, wie er in einem Buch mit Hilfe der Wahrheit im lebendigen Wort allerort zu brechen gegen ihn und alle heiligen Seelen zu brechen jeden Fluch und herauszufuehren aus dem faschistischen und haeretischen Jammertal. 2 Eines Abends hatte Harry Galen auf seiner Stallwacht gesehen, denn ihm wurde kein Bett im Haus der 'Gasteltern' gegeben, sondern er musste arbeiten selbst als Fuenfjaehriger, um zu ueberleben, wie der Dorfpfarrer sich mit den Nazischergen auch unter den Kutten verbuendete. Nach Mitternacht erneuerten die ihren Pakt mit dem Teufel vor dem Altar und den Putten. So mancher spaetere Kardinal, nicht nur aus Marktl, und nicht nur vom Inn, war auch unter ihnen, damals gerade mal alt genug, vom Hitlerjugendprinzen zum schwarz belederten Stinkstiefeladel aufzusteigen, der dann spaeter, nach dem Krieg, mit haeretischem Doppelkinn fortsetzte den geheimen Lug und Betrug und Todeszug ohne Sinn in der Illusion und Verblendung auf einen Vatikanischen Faschistgrossreichssieg, im Westen, Norden, Sueden und Osten, und der immer weiter mit seinen Waffenkameraden schwelgte auf Kirchensteuerkosten der Lackaffenverschwendung mit Sonderposten, und finanzierte seine eigene kleine stachelige Rosenkranzfreimaurer- und Faschisten- und sonstige kaeufliche oder erpressbare Privat-Armee mit geheimen Treffen im Schnee auf den Skipisten, wo sie dann Jahr fuer Jahr machten immer neue Auftragsmordlisten. 'Und heute sind die immer noch hinter mir her fuer meines wahren Vaters und meines Lebens und dem meiner Familie 'Endloesung', denkt sich Harry Galen, 'aber ich mache denen mit den Fakten aus meinen Geheimakten ihre Sonnenwend-Osterfeuer zur Schlangenabstiegsleiter, denn irgendwann bringt Gott die auch vor Sein Weltengericht mit ihrem wahren Gesicht, wo die dann vor Jesus Christus aus ihrem Judasbecher trinken muessen ihren eigenen Lebertran. Und dann wird es durch die Wahrheit allein ganz bitter fuer jeden selbstgeschlagenen oder gar nicht so ehrwuerdigen alten Ritter!' 3 Harry Maximilian Clemens Galen hatte es nicht leicht im Leben. Am Weihnachtsabend 1934 von einem Bischof und einer heimlichen Katholikin, oder besser: arisch-haeretisch-anabaptistischen Satanistin, er Adel, sie Nazipseudoadelsstand im Naziland, von beiden aus entgegengesetzten Gruenden gezeugt - fuer den Vater als 'Ambossmassnahme', seinen Widerstandssamen unter dem Feind in die Gestalt der Mutter in teuflischen Anbetungssuenden einzupflanzen beim Totentanzen, denn er hatte sich nur zum Anschein dem aufgezwungenen arischen Reproduktionsdornenrosenkranzen gebeugt, und die wollte auch ihren eigenen Nazipiratenkutter - damit spaeter der Sohn und seine Nachkommen wuerden die Wahrheit verkuenden und sich mit dem Guten wieder in Jesus Christus und Yahwehs Namen verbuenden. So stand Harrys Kindheit erst einmal unter einem Stern, der erst viel spaeter sich wendete zum Guten. Seine eigene Mutter schickte ihn in die Ferne, sobald er ohne ihre Liebe und trotz ihrer Hexenkueche fuenf Jahre erreicht hatte, und als er im Alter von zehn aus der katholischen Nazihoelle aus Poettmes zurueckkam, war er fuer sie die staendige Erinnerung an ihre Suenden und ihre Niederlage und sie hasste ihn dafuer, dass er immer wieder oeffnete zu ihren dunkelsten Geheimnissen mit seines heimlichen Vaters Wahrheit und Unbeugsamkeit die Tuer, der nun zwar tot war, aber als Held von den Tieslers und Ruckdeschels vergiftet, starb. Und Harrys Vater ihr noch posthum ihr jedes Weihnachten verdarb, denn er sich ueber den Tod hinaus auch in ihrem heimlich gezeugten ausserehelichen Sohn nicht ihrer heimlichen Nazigesinnung beugte. Und dann verweigerte der Sohn auch noch, zum Todesmeister aufzusteigen in seines vermeintlichen Vaters, der ihn immer nur hasste und schon bei seinem Anblick vor Wut erblasste, Freimaurerinnung. Keine Schuerze fuer Harry! Dafuer hatte er zuviel Zeit gehabt in seiner unfreiwilligen Nazigefangenschaft, seinem wahren und gestrengen, aber liebendem Vater vom Himmel aus zu folgen und ihm zu gehorchen, denn dessen Stimme fuehrte ihn immer wieder an die richtige Stelle, um zu entkommen der naechsten Missbrauchswelle, und immer wieder fand er die richtige Antwort und die fehlenden Teile vom Puzzle auch in groesster verzweifelter Eile am richtigen Ort, und von der Wahrheit die einzige zuverlaessige Quelle! 'Ja, man hat es nicht immer leicht im Leben, schon gar nicht, wenn man mit seinem Gesicht schon in seinen Eltern ein Feuer zwischen Himmel und Hoelle entfacht', denkt sich Harry, wieder im Schlaf, 'aber dafuer hat es einen leicht am Wickel', und er lacht, wenn er dabei ploetzlich seinen Schutzengel sieht, der ein Schaf spielend in die Sicherheit lenkt und das wundersame Licht in der Sonne immer zur richtigen Stelle und zum richtigen Gedanken schwenkt. 4 "Fukushima was not exactly 'prima'," Harry Maximilian Clemens Galen hoert ploetzlich im Traum Worte, die sich ueberschlagen, aber auch ein ganz warmes Gefuehl der Gerechtigkeit und Ende seiner tiefsten Qualen in einem Gedicht malen, waehrend Gott wird gegenueber den Verbrechern und Falschversprechern eisig und nicht nur kuehl in einer Sprache, die er gar nicht gelernt hat, aber er hoert es einfach fliessen, und immer weiter ganze Verse einfach wie von selbst aus dem Nichts spriessen: 'and suddenly a whole seven headed sulphur beast farts', and not just Fukushima was not exactly 'prima', was it now, ye self-declared 'grand masters', as it still does spill to kill and no end to the disaster zone show, and that is just one example on how you greedy few on the rest of the world trample - but, it seems, you are no longer in control of your own blasters. And then, there is the lot, who think they are ever so clever to spot even a knot, where there should be a dot, and wish on others remotely a heart attack and do sleepers as killers attune but with the assistance of a secret society doctor and satanist nurse they actually cause to a holy soul sudden death only through an air bubble with a remotely directed nano-hubble, and make it look like they could perform with black magic a blood clot to rid themselves of an uncompromising enemy, who only speaks the truth and stands up for the poor, and refuses to become through their bribery a crook, or an agent, who rejects to become of evil a spook, as he knows the rules and respects the law of God and saw in heaven the true book of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala - and suddenly the secret top of four of fascist and big empire hammers or even more in one or more shore can no longer pretend a man or woman for that matter became a victim of a fatal condition, so very tragic, as they did visibly and repeatedly and increasingly hurriedly and spontaneously and uncautiously unite in their effort to replace every anvil's face through their murderous plot of slammers, with one of their choice, of course, under a secret society cone and under diplomatic immunity and impunity, as they want their slaves to obey and let get the unscrupulous and greedy away with their lame game in every space, as in their world slaves are not allowed to use for justice and truth and peace their voice. But Jesus Christ has the crime scene and 'after show' cleaners on His side and they do their contempt and disgust with Mary Magdala and Him share about the lust of the devilish top hierarchies and no longer hide, and do about the holy souls and their truth and about the sweet peace through justice deeply care! And so, they return now bravely one by one every single secret society stone, and can confirm, who was set up by a clone and by whom for whom with whom and when by which devil's den, as they are professionals and know, how to do their job for justice and law to keep at peace their border - and even Her Majesty, as know all real colleagues of the real James Bonds, has once upon a time given a vow to serve God before her nation, and so they simply call upon her to honour her oath, and to help them bring to justice numerous a crime, and to stand up for the truth in the Pall Malls and to tear down all artificially silent walls, and to demand that returned to Jesus Christ are all her authorities' calls; as especially royalty and aristocracy have to ultimately surrender to God's one and only authority - be it voluntarily or involuntarily." Harry Galen wacht wieder auf - ganz schweissgebadet: Du liebe Guete, das waren ja nicht einmal seine eigenen Worte - wo kamen die nur her?! Aber er hoerte sie einfach von der Stimme, die er schon immer kannte, und wo immer er auch war, an welchem Orte, er sie sein Gewissen und die Stimme seines himmlischen Vaters nannte! Er konnte nicht fassen, dass es ueberhaupt nicht schwer war, diese Worte in seiner Vision an die Empfaenger weiterzugeben, denn eigentlich war das eine Nachricht, hatte er das Gefuehl, die wuerden einige Boesewichter ganz schoen hassen, und manche auch beim Empfangen vor Schreck erblassen, aber der heilige Geist wuerde schon wissen, und den Weg bahnen durch das Gewuehl der ungesehenen Welt, damit die heiligen Seelen kompromisslos leben koennen und gerettet werden koennen unterm Himmelszelt. Harry konnte es nicht ausstehen, als er noch General beim Militaerischen Abschirmdienst war, wenn die heimlichen Neonazis oder die der ersten, zweiten und zum Schluss auch noch der dritten Generation taten schweigend am liebsten auch noch bei so manchen Abschlachtungen zuzusehen, die begangen und vertuscht wurden unter diplomatischer Immunitaet und er hasste die Straffreiheit fuer den exklusiven Club der schamlosen Luegner und Betrueger auch der Geheimgesellschaftshierarchien, die letztendlich ueberall in der Welt miteinander und gegeneinander schon immer hatten mit den Leben heiliger Seelen herumgepfuscht und vor allem mit dem Vatikan als heimlichen Hebeldruecker der Geldtoepfe fuer internationale Infernos, denn als eines der aeltesten Machtzentren hatten die natuerlich ganze Archive voll, mit denen sie ganze Laender auch noch historisch und nachtraeglich erpressten, und ihre Opfer zur Abschreckung im Albtraum bedrohten durch ihre Kroetenkroepfe, und schon mal durch Bilder und Illusionen verrohten - seitdem er wusste, dass auch sein Vater sein Leben fuer die Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit und vor allem fuer die Wuerde des Menschen und den Frieden in der Welt gegeben, und erst einmal verloren hatte im Kampf gegen das Boese, war es fuer ihn klar, dass auch er seinem Vater nachfolgen musste, und fuer ihn weiter zu Gottes Ehre die heiligen Seelen von der Sklaverei und Massenvernichtung und Manipulation zum Hassen zu befreien! Und so war es fuer ihn ganz natuerlich, nach seiner Pensionierung weiter als freiwilliger Agent ohne Entgelt mit allen seinen friedliebenden und wahrheitsfreudigen Kollegen und mit unantastbarer Integritaet auch vom MI5 und MI6, Mossad, CIA und BND und natuerlich Interpol und anderen aehnlichen Partnern, unter Gottes freiem Himmelszelt und unter Jesus Christus Leitung zusammenzuarbeiten gegen das organisierte Verbrechen und die Korruption, denn einmal zu oft war auch ein juengerer kompromissloser Kollege von ihm von diesen Banden angegriffen worden, und nachdem die ihn erst verleumdeten, und dann auch vergeblich versuchten, ihn mit falschen Beweisen auf Reisen als sein Klon ins falsche Licht zu ruecken, und auch scheiterten, als sie ihn verfluchten, aber sie ihn dann liessen 'erfolgreich' ermorden mit einer Luftblase in einer Injektion, und eine andere Kollegin sterben liessen an einer vergifteten Transfusion; und andere wurden 'geopfert' von ihren eigenen Reihen in Geheimgesellschaften mit Angriffen auf ihr Herz auf scheinbar unsichtbare Art der speziellen mentalen Kriegskuenste - fuer Harry Maximilian Clemens Galen und seine Kollegen war das Mass endgueltig uebervoll und sie fingen an, anstatt die Beweise zu vernichten, die obersten Spitzen der boesen Hierarchien vor Gottes Thron im Himmel einfach durch die Fakten in den Akten lassen vor allen heiligen Seelen durch Jesus Christus zu richten, und dazu gehoerte auch so manches konfiszierte vergiftete Messweinfass; und so taten sie alles austauschen fuer den Fall eines Falles und hatten greifbar von den gewieften Verbrechern selbst deren eigenen elektronischen Kuechenschaben, und so taten sich sozusagen die Diplomaten und faulen Unterwelttomaten selber belauschen und merkten nicht einmal, dass von ihren eigenen belaemmerten Verstaerkern kam das stoerende Rauschen! Tja, und da dieses ja eh alles war telepathisch kommuniziert, und die Fakten auch keine Dienstgeheimnisse waren, sondern handfeste kriminelle Aktivitaeten von Unmenschen, die ihre Authoritaet und Position oder Beruehmtheit fuer ihre 'Herrenrassenwahn' missbrauchten, und auch ihre diplomatische Immunitaet und Impunitaet, selbst, um zu ziehen nach Mengele auch jetzt noch ganzen Massen in Untergrundkonzentrationslagern jeden Zahn in einer speziell neuro-wissenschaftlich entwickelten Mengeleartschmerztortur, kommt fuer jeden von denen, auch fuer einen 'Professor', Buergermeister oder manchen Prinzen, oder Celebrity oder Buehnenstar oder kuenstliche Rose nun jede Ausrede und halbherziges Gestaendnis zu spaet! 'Denn der Vertrag mit Gott war ja schon seit dem Maerz 2011 laengst abgelaufen, und der Teufel tat sich nur noch mit seinen Anhaengern gegenseitig fuer dumm verkaufen - aber seine Macht ist gebrochen,' hoert Harry Galen wieder weiter im Traum, und ploetzlich erfuellt ein wunderbarer Veilchenduft seinen Raum, und er bekommt endlich wieder Luft! 5 'Hallo, Herr Galen', Harry wacht auf von einer ihm irgendwie bekannten Stimme, 'Sie muessen uns helfen'. 'Ach, ja, das ist ja mein Kollege, der neulich von Berlin nach London fliehen musste vor seiner eigenen Behoerdenhierarchie, die ihn loswerden wollte durch eine gefaelschte Buerokratie!' jetzt erinnert sich Harry Galen. 'Was ist denn los?!' 'Wir haben neue Erkenntnisse ueber Carlos und die Baader-Meinhofs und deren geheime Konten; und dann auch noch, welche Schlager- und Musikstars und Schauspieler schon seit den 70-ern heimlich in Freimaurer-, Satanisten- und Faschistengruppen tanzen liessen nicht nur Wachspuppen in der internationalen Grossreichswahnszene, aber von denen ploetzlich ganz neue und noch mehr verzweigte Attentatsplaene gegen die Wahrheit wie Pilze aus dem Boden spriessen! Und stellen Sie sich vor, ein Whistleblower von der IRA sagt nun, dass sie angeblich damals nur gebucht wurden fuer das Attentat von Lord Mountbatten, und das das bezahlt wurde von einer Persoenlichkeit, die unter diplomatischer Immunitaet ist weltweit betucht, und die auch in verschiedenen Adelshaeusern mit aegyptischen Kulten und Opferriten unterstuetzt selbst vom Vatikan und den arisch-faschistischen-haeretischen Marienlegionen und Moriten und Legiten heilige Seelen verflucht. Also echt, wir koennten da mal den Sherlock auch gebrauchen fuer einen Update in die Vergangenheit, denn auch in Spitalfields werden noch geschrieben gerade schon wieder Plaene, die letzten heiligen Seelen noch verschwinden zu lassen in einem 'crate' und auf den Leib dieser Menschenopfer wollen die moerderischen Banden auch noch taetowieren die Unwahrheit und Obszoenitaeten, wie man die nur unter den Unkuenstlern im Folkwang oder in der Tate Modern findet - manches aendert sich einfach nicht; aber keine Angst, Galen, wir haben schon abgefasst mit Jesus Christus und dem MI5 und MI6 auch darueber schon unseren neuesten Bericht, und da wird noch heute Nacht leichenblass jedes einzelne Moerderkomplottgesicht, denn ploetzlich haben bei Ihrer Majestaet die Aussagen unserer Spezialagenten Muehlsteingewicht, und auch der Premierminister stimmt unseren Vorschlaegen fuer Verhaftungen und Aufhebungen von diplomatischer Immunitaet und Impunitaet zu, und zwischendurch singen wir bei den Besprechungen sogar mit Prinz Philip keltische Psalter und Harfen zuhauf! Ich da auch gleich wieder hinlauf, und den letzten Uebeltaetern in Anwesenheit ihrer Majestaet ihre eigenen Schwaene von der Themse zurueckverkauf! Denn die denken, dass die selbst Buckingham Palace lenken und dass die auch ganze Laender koennen feilbieten zum Schlussverkauf! Na, Galen, ich glaube, Du musst noch ein bisschen ausruhen - wir machen das schon, wir haben ja eh auch schon abgeholt auch Deine Erinnerungstruhen und ich noch schnell im Safehaus auch fuer Dich noch ein Feldbett festschraube, denn an Deine Auferstehung ich ganz fest glaube, in irgendeiner Form - Du wirst das schon schaffen, wieder herauszukommen aus der Lackaffen Dorm, denn wir holen Dich einfach ab, und buddeln mal demonstrativ mit einem Filmstativ an einer speziellen Stelle den Moerdergrubenmachern ihr eigenes Filmgrab, und loesen aus eine weltweite Druckwelle, die ganz bestimmt nicht gehoert zu den Lachern, wenn mit der Wahrheit ueber die Gierigen und Schmierigen dieser Welt deren Sandburgen werden zu Cernstaubkrachern und am Ende ist selbst in den Blackholes ganz friedlich ausser Spesen nichts gewesen. HOLOCAUST: Time to cut through the red tape: The Catholic Church and the Treatment of the Roma and Sinti in and after the Holocaust by Sigrid Countess von Galen Time to cut through some silence and red tape and to have a closer look, at the facts and to listen, what representatives of the Sinti and Roma in Germany have to say. Romani Rose, Chairman of the Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma, writes in his article "'...when our Catholic Church does not protect us' - The Catholic Bishops and the Deportation of the Sinti and Roma to Auschwitz-Birkenau" that the Sinti and Roma were deported after the Himmler order from 16th December 1942, and their desperate letter to Cardinal Bertram, the chairman of the Fulda Bishopsconference, who had also long been kept updated by some of his bishops through their letters with their concerns regarding the treatment and deportations of the Roma, and requests for help was left unanswered. Although there were about 14 000 Catholics amongst the Sinti and Roma in Germany alone registered, the Catholic church as an institutional church did not stand up for them but was in parts even agreeing to the Nuremberg Laws against Jews and Non-Aryans 'as indispensable safeguards for the qualitative makeup of the German people' (s. 1936, Klerusblatt, below) and the Sinti and Roma were criminalised and still are in a widespread manner. Their letters to escape their torture and deportation (and only very few individual priests, nuns and bishops had even bothered to write to Cardinal Bertram) were to no avail. Not surprisingly, when one sees that even now the predominant attitude of the Catholic church was and still seems to be that the Roma were baptised but ... Romani Rose says that together with the other European Roma representatives he had handed over to Pope Benedict XVI. a request at a general audience for a private audience to commemorate and discuss the deportation, torture and forced sterilizations and medical experiments and killings of so many Roma in Nazi-Germany. Pope Benedict XVI. had not even answered the official request, when the article went to press a year later. It is shameful and not at all the way of Jesus Christ to stand silent in the strategical and systematic criminalisation of a whole people, a people that is at the heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who also had nowhere to go but to seek shelter with those, who were vulnerable and poor and looked down upon. It seems nothing has changed at all - Rome is still no more closer to the truth of Jesus Christ, and to His teachings. One only has to cast oneself back to His time, and see that He was a law abiding, holy man and teacher, who taught by example to His disciples, never on God's commandments to trample, to stay away from mammon and pagan lore, and to never look back to the babylonian shore - and He asked from all to give up their old lives and to surrender all their worries and anxieties to God and to follow Him on His path free of wrath and free of war- and whoremongery. The truth was and is and always will be His lightning rod and His true friends are those, who walk in voluntary poverty and holiness in either voluntary blessed celibacy or, if God has joined two souls together, they serve Him together as one in flesh in holy matrimony, and go forth and multiply, and raise holy angels on earth. And Jesus Christ lived, what He preached and took Mary Magdala as His wife and they shared to His death in holiness their life but for that the sanctity of their eternal holy matrimony is still being attacked through the heresy of many a godless and Aryan secret society, who manipulates with mammon a majority that has been of the truth cheated and robbed and that is, why the Sinti and Roma are also as bearers of this simple truth as spiritual pus and lying minority unjustly treated. One of these days, God will put all wrong right and end this horrible, horrible unholy fight and will without the need in rage to kill His enemy, simply demonstrate through the emerging of the truth His might and flood the world with His Infinite Light, and from heaven carefully watching are all holy Sinti and Roma, who died for their holy role in defending and keeping safe the holy truth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala. And I do not talk about those, who betrayed the Holy Rose Jesus Christ by even defiling and desecrating His cross' nail, as they will with their heresy be condemned and like all other traitors and evildoers fail to put on their own people a bad name and all unholy souls of all nations will be put to shame and receive their rightful blame to their very own name and be cut off from the true holy family of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala, as that is the family of God of His every holy soul, who never took part in any lame game for fame and who did refuse to play with the truth foul. There is only one holy nation of God, and that is the holy community of holy souls in heaven and on earth, and they know no greed and no weed but only true love and holy friendship at their humble kitchen hearth. And the true holy Roma and Sinti have always proven that God's light is under the blue dome beautifully and perfectly interwoven, and that one does not need a palace or golden dome to be God's living home. Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus. Let's live in the Roma way, as that is the way of Jesus Christ, and leave behind the Roman empire world that cheats even on God and His holy truth and treats holy souls like spiritual pus in order to spread heresy across the border and seats itself on a throne, whilst it writes the true holy family out of the bookshelf and invents their heretical fables with all the wrong orgy tables and wants to kill off Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala and the sanctity of holy matrimony and the truth about their murdered infants out of their version of perversion of a book of spooks omnibus. I call that the worldwide secret society of crooks, and who needs liars, who are unholy murderous pseudo-nuns and friars, who abduct and sell children and torture them in their facilities and rub off their own filth and grime and crime on inncocent and vulnerable holy souls. And all holy souls know Jesus Christ's family and way, and will never their friends betray and simply stay from evildoers away. May the Infinite Light of God shine brightly upon all you holy souls, who have responded to God's call and have broken down of silence the now tumbling heretical wall and who honour Him as the One Lord, Our God and give thanks and praise and do only with Jesus Christ directly liaise. You have my deepest gratitude. Thanks be to God! Parikeiben! 1936 January An article in the Catholic Klerusblatt justifies the Nuremberg Laws against Jews and Gypsies (Non-Aryans) as indispensable safeguards for the qualitative makeup of the German people. 1936 January 15 Vicar General Riemer of Passau issues instructions allowing sterilized Catholics to receive the sacraments of matrimony, reversing the decision of January 4, 1935. (Lewy) This diocese was also Joseph Ratzinger's diocese for his native town Marktl am Inn. 1936 November Dr. Ritter, a psychologist and psychiatrist, begins his work on Gypsies in the Section for Research on Race-hygiene and Population Biology in the Reich Department of Health in Berlin, funded by the DFG. (Science) RECENTLY IT WAS MENTIONED THAT THE ELDERLY JEWS AND GYPSIES IN GERMANY ARE STILL AFRAID, ACCORDINGLY TO A NURSING CHARITY, TO BE ADMITTED TO GERMAN HOSPITALS AND NURSING HOMES FOR FEAR OF BEING SUBJECTED TO MURDER OR INHUMAN TESTING AND CRUELTY. LIFE: DEVELESKO CHAKANO - Mother Miri-Mary's Roma and Sinti RECIPE-, Tent- and Housekeeping Book By Sigrid Countess von Galen Even holy stars need to eat on earth in order to shine their light of the truth across every border, and they do each other to the finest delicacies treat, with the ingredients miraculously emerging from God's pantry, and even Jesus Christ does with the Holy Spirit's help the eggs for the custard and the cream until it is stiff, beat. And He does never ever on any holy soul with the portions cheat! JESUS CHRIST SAYS: FEED MY FLOCK! 1. STUFFED AUBERGINES a la Develesko Chakano 1 AUBERGINE PER PERSON, CUT IN HALF ONIONS/SHALLOTS GARLIC RED PEPPERS TOMATOES DATES APRICOTS (ALL FINELY CHOPPED UP) MINCED BEEF/LAMB SALT PEPPER SMOKED PAPRIKA SWEET PAPRIKA CINNAMON NUTMEG STARANIS CLOVES OIL, BUTTER POTATOES, CUBED AND COOKED WITH SALT AND A BAYLEAF UNTIL SOFT ENOUGH TO MAKE INTO MASH DOUBLE CREAM OR MILK BUTTER CHEESE, SLICED PREHEAT THE OVEN. POUR SOME OIL INTO THE OVENPROOF DISH FOR THE AUBERGINE HALVES. CUT THE WHITE FLESH INTO DIAMOND SHAPES AS FAR DOWN TO THE BOTTOM AS YOU CAN TO. SPRINKLE SOME SALT ON IT AND BRUSH ALSO SOME OIL ON THE SURFACE OF THE WHITE FLESH. ROAST IN THE OVEN UNTIL THE FLESH IS SOFT ENOUGH TO BE SCRAPED OUT. BE CAREFUL NOT TO DESTROY THE SKIN, SO THAT YOU CAN USE IT LIKE A BOWL FOR THE FILLING. MEANWHILE YOU COOK THE POTATOES UNTIL SOFT ENOUGHT FOR MASH. MIX WITH BUTTER AND DOUBLE CREAM, CREAM OR MILK. ADD SALT AND NUTMEG. LEAVE TO REST UNTIL AUBERGINE FLESH IS SOFT ENOUGH TO BE SCRAPED OUT AND TO BE MIXED WITH THE POTATOE MASH. WHILST THE POTATOES ARE COOKING AND THE AUBERGINE IS IN THE OVEN, YOU FRY THE SHALLOTS/ONIONS IN THE OIL UNTIL GLAZED, THEN ADD THE MINCED MEAT AND BROWN, AND KEEP STIRRING, SO THAT IT DOES NOT BURN. ADD TOMATOES AND PEPPERS AND FRUIT AND SPICES AND KEEP STIRRING UNTIL YOU HAVE A NICE SHINY MIXTURE, ADD SOME TINY AMOUNT OF RED WINE OR SOME BALSAMIC VINEGAR WITH WATER AND LET IT COME TO THE BOIL, IMMEDIATELY TURN IT DOWN AGAIN AND SWITCH OFF TO COOL. MIX THE POTATOES, THE AUBERGINE FLESH AND THE MINCED MEAT MIXTURE AND FILL THE SCOOPED OUT AUBERGINE HALVES. YOU CAN PUT A SLICE OF CHEESE AT THE BOTTOM AND SPREAD OUT THE MIXTURE ON TOP OF IT, AND THEN ADD ANOTHER SLICE OR THIN PIECES OF CHEESE ON THE TOP AND PUT IN THE OVEN UNTIL GOLDEN BROWN. ADD SOME SMOKED PAPRIKA ON TOP AND SERVE WITH BREAD OR GARLIC CIABATTA, OR YOUR FAVOURITE PASTA OR THE LEFT-OVER MASH. ANY LEFTOVERS MAKE A NICE DISH FOR BREAKFAST OR SUPPER FOR THE NEXT DAY, OR CAN BE FROZEN. 2. CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES a la DEVELESKO CHAKANO DARK COCOA BUTTER AT ROOMTEMPERATURE ICING SUGAR GROUND ALMONDS, COCONUT OR OATS NON-ALCOHOLIC VERSION: VANILLA OR ALMOND ESSENCE PREPARE A MIXING BOWL WITH FINELY MIXED AND SIEVED COCOA AND ICING SUGAR FOR COATING. MIX THE ICING SUGAR WITH THE DARK COCOA AND GROUND ALMONDS, COCONUT OR OATS AND KNEED THE BUTTER IN UNTIL YOU GET A SMOOTH MIXTURE, SHINY MIXTURE. THE MIXTURE NEEDS TO BE DRY ENOUGH TO FROM SMALL SMOOTH BALLS FROM IT, AND YOUR HANDS ARE NOT STICKY. ADD YOUR FAVOURITE ESSENCE/S. FORM LITTLE BALLS AND PUT INTO THE PREPARED MIXING BOWL AND GIVE THE BOWL A GOOD SHAKE, SO THAT THE WHOLE BALL IS COVERED WITH THE MIXTURE. THESE TRUFFLES MAKE NICE GIFTS AND YOU CAN PUT THEM IN NICE LITTLE BOXES THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE LEFT OVER FROM PREVIOUS BIRTHDAY OR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A GREASEPROOF SHEET IN THE BOTTOM OF THE BOX (EITHER BAKING PAPER OR THE LINING OF FORMER CHOCOLATE BOXES) AND ONE TO COVER THE TRUFFLES. IF YOU JUST KEEP THEM FOR YOUR HOME, THEN STORE THEM IN A TIN OR BOX IN THE FRIDGE, AND YOU CAN KEEP THE TRUFFLES IN ANY EXCESS ICING SUGAR/COCOA MIXTURE. THESE ARE VERY POPULAR WITH CHILDREN AND ADULTS ALIKE. YOU COULD ALSO ADD FINELY CHOPPED DRIED FRUIT AND COLD BLACK TEA AND ROSE WATER INSTEAD OF THE OTHER ESSENCES TO ACHIEVE THE MOISTURE. I ALWAYS LISTEN TO MY HEART, AS GOD AND JESUS CHRIST HAVE THE RECIPES ALL PREPARED IN THERE, AND I LET THEM LEAD THE WAY WITH MY HANDS, AND SO EVEN A CHOCOLATE TRUFFEL BECOMES A PRAYER OF DEVOTION. 3. Mary Magdala: Little Thoughts on Householding, by Sigrid Countess von Galen My husband, Jesus Christ, needs new shoes but humble as he is, he says that he would rather walk barefeet than to wear designer shoes. And guess what, he also walks rather than going on a bus. We sometimes wonder, how many months we could feed the homeless from just one pair even of the sandals or of red shoes from the Vatican. I can feed ca. 50-70 people with the most yummy home made food for about £ 50, and they all have enough to satisfy their hunger. I rather walk as well as I always get blisters anyway in shoes, no matter, how delicate they are. We buy almost all clothing from charity shops, which is a great way of recycling, or we exchange things with friends. - For presents we make our own personal gifts, be it a poem, a painting or an embroidery or else creative, like a little home production film, or a cake or other food. - Shopping these days is so expensive anyway that we always go many extra miles to check all the prices and to get the best deals, as we make sure that we can feed as many around our table for free as possible with nutritious food, of which the main ingredient is the Divine love, with which it is cooked. The Holy Spirit is my Master-Chef. All in the Holy Trinity love 'my' chocolate sauce, it seems, and the recipe has travelled to households around the world. That is one way of bringing the good news onto everybody's table and it invites to talk more about our Jesus Christ's family's reality and the dream of resurrection coming true rather than being just a fable. The other day, my husband said to me, and I, of course, agree that a woman's most satisfying role is that of a holy wife and mother, and that God has created this place for her in His one holy nation. The men provide with God's help, we just have to trust, and we do, whatever Jesus needs us to do from our humble kitchen hearth every single day anew with out abundant gifts. Every mistress of the tent/house knows that many heated arguments between men can be easily settled with a freshly steamed cup of tea and a biscuit or a piece of cake fresh from the oven. The quarrel simply stops and seems irrelevant evermore. It works every single time, believe me. Unless somebody desperately wants to be bad and vicious and vile and only came round to insult the other - what can you do. In that case you just pray for that afflicted sister or brother's soul and stay away, until it becomes clear, whether they will either one day shine again in God's Infinite light's ray or go even further from Jesus' path astray and with God's wrath go back into the clay. Well, we don't focus in our house on evil, we keep all hell outside and rather ring our own little private church bell in peace and harmony. Don't get me wrong, we also know pseudo-marital disagreements that are usually based on some character test, whether we would give under stressful circumstances still our very best, and they always end in heavenly bliss with a renewed vow and passionate kiss. At the end of the day, we serve God always and again, and each other, selflessly, that is the whole point of holy matrimony... God joins us with our spouse's soul in heaven because He knows that we can only together fulfill best our combined role, even if we are separated physically at times - but our church bell for each other in our various seen and unseen ways of communication always blissfully or warningly chimes, and thus we survived already also many crimes. But that is another story, and that we were saved from dangerous situations over and again is worth an extra space to God's glory. Sometimes my husband has to travel or fulfill commitments in the neighbourhood without me, and I look meanwhile after our children of God and our home and bring in order even across the border our humble borrowed house on the ether - I only clean and polish and clear our meadow from the weed, so that ready for my spouse and master is God's house. And he always says that our marital love seals its roof aa its dome. Isn't that sweet?! You can tell, I like to share my joy with you, and my husband calls me for that sometimes a chatterbox or Lady Gladula, same in Polish, but he says is ever so lovingly and I simply stop then from one thought to the other to hop, or him yet another mail to drop, otherwise the lion grabs his little cat by its tail, so I rather silently then at him 'Good night' tweet. To sum it up: in a household, where everybody is supposed to behave holy, we do not play spiritual roly-poly but do as we are by the Master of our House told. And that keeps us sane and safe, as with my husband's look ever so firm and strict everybody does behave. But he might also test, whether I give still my best, if he impersonates the devil or on one leg with the tea cosy on his head and a broom as his crutch the Bishop of Cork, and mixes up a heretical chalice with the holy truth of Mary Magdala's cup even in the minster of York - honestly sometimes I think I am in the household of the dragon himself and our babies did as little monsters hutch - but that is just a family joke, and even, when he in the middle of the night he through another website does poke. Time is up. Feed the ten thousand on the smallest budget you can but with love and with the Holy Spirit's truthful nutrition and you have saved them from the Anti-Christ's malnutrition that alwfor my ays ends in holiness' abolition and starvation and eventually death - I give thanks to God that I am safe from the evil clutches, as I do even sins that I did not commit just in case I missed one to comprehend confess... and repent, repent, repent, even and especially, when I do the washing up and slice the onions for our beloved breed from the mustard seed - we are indeed living our very much one of a kind disciples' creed. And I am now of some coffee and toast in need. But before I go I give you the recipe for the DEVELESKKO CHAKANO CHOCOLATE SAUCE: Chop onions into small pieces, fry them in butter or oil (or both) until golden brown; add star anisseed, cloves, cinnamon and cocoa powder and stir all ingredients together; add some sugar or honey, and stir quickly, then add, if you like, chopped tomatoes, even raisins (if you want a more Middle-Eastern note), Add any meat that you like and water and mix it altogether and let gently simmer. This works with every kind of meat, even with fish. I have had much feedback on tht on this sauce, and it is now a regular feature in many households across the world. Pass it on, and give the credit to the Holy Spirit. That sauce is God's gift to builds bridges across the nations and to heal any man-made rift, and it can whole mountains shift. I will now really shut up, and leave you to enjoy your own by God blessed cup! God bless you! REFLECTION: by James John Westcott: 'What we hear of goodness in the silence of our heart, let us have the discernment to tell with wisdom.' We pray for all those, who are able to tell and live the truth. Especially those, who, despite their own fears, and without gain, are unafraidto witness to the truth.
We pray for families and
communities, who are terrified to speak out.
May those, who have a
voice relinquish conformity, and speak on their behalf.
We give
thanks to those, who are able to speak for the voiceless, the innocent,the vulnerable, the tortured, and we remember now in silence: ... andall who, have laiddown their lives for the truth and were killed through ritual knives and throughorganised criminality and by those, who subscribe to death as theiraryan fascistdoctrine and heresy.
We pray for the rights of conscience to be respected by
governments and nationalgroups in our land and everywhere.
Our Father, let us face evil only to deliver us from all evil and to
separate us from the evil ones. SWAU-ENGO MARY MAGDALENE, JESUS CHRIST'S JUVEL -
The Tears of Mary Magdalene, Jesus Christ's Wife
A Little Course in Romani
by Sigrid Countess von Galen
Learn Romani and share the joy, tears and faith of their Forefathers of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala Mary Magdala: Jesus Christ miro kamdilo develesko manush o may juvel. Jesus Christ is my beloved holy Husband, and I am his wife. *) *)(Manush=husband, and juvel=wife is only used by the couple; strangers would say: rom=husband, romni=wife) May chakani develeski kamimasko. We are God's stars of holy love. Mauro Dad kedo andray kushkiben o dudesko o develkano rom o romni saur o chairos. Our Father created us in goodness and of the light as holy husband and wife for eternity. May kam saur develkano meriben. We love all holy souls. May haitas saur basaviben. We hate all evil. May jiv o raker tachiben kokoro. We live and speak the truth only. May kam vavaurken. We love one another. May bootee-akero ravnesko anglay chik We are servants of heaven on earth. Mauro romeriben Devlesko bakhtipen, o biado o debl ravnesko konyo. Our marriage is God's gift, and we were married and blessed in heavenly peace. May jun tumauro dukaviben o sauro tumauro chingeriben oziesko. We know your pain and every of your tears of your heart. O may jun o p'user, kai tumaia amauro famalia ravnesko. And we know and are grateful that you are also our family of heaven. Ashen Develesa! May God be with you! May you remain with God! Nec laudibus nec timore |
Posted: 25 Jul 2016 07:50 PM PDT
Posted: 25 Jul 2016 04:59 PM PDT
Senor Bergoglio and Herr Ratzinger, Would you like me to release the testimony of numerous a victim of your silencing and assassination of loose ends' 'policy', when you failed with slander or bribery, in every country and century of your rule?! Or would you like to have an international judge at you to roar in righteous thunder and in one after the other legal blunder?!
By Sigrid Countess von Galen
Senor Bergoglio and Herr Ratzinger,
Would you like me to release the testimony of numerous a victim of your silencing and assassination of loose ends' 'policy', when you failed with slander or bribery, in every country and century of your rule?! Or would you like to have an international judge at you to roar in righteous thunder and in one after the other legal blunder?!
In any case, you law benders and chronic law offenders might as well surrender now, as your sandcastles and cities and banks and building blocks are crumbling rocks of insider trading stocks already from the times of the first Templars' organised crimes and your archive nothing but worthless plunder, as you have purposefully and strategically the truth denied and violently in all ranks, just like the eternal mercenary pranks, defied!
There seems to be one hell of a fabricated mystery and a true criminal fable spinning by itself in your secret shelf haunting your church history with your falsified parish and saints records and fraudulent round table transactions and purposefully mislaid and/or wrong translations - and all under a bell! Looks like many of your victims managed after all the truth and facts of your dynasties and monopolies somehow to tell, and to break mysteriously your evil silencing spell!
And now your victims and their families aim also to see you finally in sack and ashes stripped of all pompous artificial formality, as you denied even posthumously many of your victims and their children and relatives human dignity and the truth about their own history!
No, also your very own hidden and by your own standards forbidden agendas are speaking suddenly for themselves and are pointing their fingers at you personally. And they do have names also to their secret numbers attached to them in your blackhole vault's archive!
Children of popes like yourselves, of cardinals, bishops and of priests, left without hopes ever to get justice and truth about their story, as you had placed them more or less anonymously or prominently over many a century strategically either as sacrificial lambs for your Satanic rituals or as future leaders amongst the nobility or as 'slaves' and crime scene cleaners for your dirty work and to cover up your tracks of your ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity - and make that in every country and community, not just within the churches, and I have not even started yet on the human trafficking and fascist mercenary under habit and hood in SS-uniform in every big - conveniently - into silence sunken monastery - but accidentally a beast farted, and another boasted and yet another toasted under diplomatic immunity - over yet another orgy feast!
Believe me, every victim of yours can tell, when the bell in their church for murder and as signal for a secret criminal gathering tolls or as warning to them by a merciful and brave priest chimes!
Those, whom you awakened and trained as 'the chosen ones' for your fascist empire of evil you placed also in other religions and cultures as your sleepers, trained in coding, calligraphy, psychological and other warfare and as actors to strike on command! How convenient, to have at your disposal also an international fleet of former scholarship recipients, who enter a silent fascist covenant with you and are placed strategically under your elitist monopoly in every country. But there has come the time that nobody of your shore can anymore hide from their responsibility, when the truth emerges even about poison in the wine, incense and at the Asperges!
And, in the case of Cardinal Clemens August von Galen, your predecessor had not just him killed accordingly to a confession without concession of a whistleblower, but you also threatened afterwards his family, and are pursuing the matter to this very day, may I say!
And, may I add, that his fellow cardinal at Westminster Cathedral did not live that long either, and an accident was neither death! As the latter whispered with his last breath...
Quite frankly, ye two popes, it is not just me and my family, who have had enough of being maltreated, cheated and threatened and killed by the likes of you and your mercenary religious pikes, and by your various orders of miserable and evil little and big sisters and brothers and your purposefully placed own daughter, Herr Ratzinger, as godmother with hidden spikes and nervous laughter, when the poisoning did not succeed! She almost changed after that her creed but she fled even more into your murderous death cult heretical weed!
And, Herr Ratzinger, you know, where and when you did your face under a mask and under a false identity show, and you might think that justice for your victims might be for your arrest to happen coming too slow - never ever underestimate the conscience of those, who suddenly no longer in greed and hypocrisy and lust for power overdose, but who do suddenly repent and who crave a life in truth and peace, honesty, decency, true friendship, and/or true love in holy matrimony and a living holy family, as all that they do not get from you and yours! And the international observers, especially the law enforcement and courts, pay to them long overdue heed!
Look in the mirror, popes: 'What do you really see?! If you ignore the delusions and obsessions of your secret society lore by John Dee! Look really hard, perhaps then, finally, you can admit to yourself that your whole life was built on one lie and betrayal after the other against your father, mother, your every sister and brother, as from where I am standing I am branding you judging on facts of your known criminal acts both crooks! - and if you are not brutally honest to yourselves and to the world, my dears, I won't with you and especially not with your heretical shore any longer even to think other than letting your own former clergy and their families even posthumously drag you to a human rights court in one way or another bother!
And you better cancel in an urgent diplomatic letter your already ordered murderous hit to silence the whistleblowers, as otherwise you might get a fright, when your own guard does in disgust at you spit - remember: the truth has the one good God's might and it is stronger than your lies and evil! You two don't even have the guts to admit that you both wanted to be the devil!
Sigrid Countess von Galen NEC LAUDIBUS NEC TIMORE (James John Westcott House) http://clemensaugustvongaleninstitute.blogspot.com http://sigridvongalendiary.tumblr.com @instcrimjust @CTraumastudies @sigridvongalen
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