Popes, Arch/bishops: What is it going to be? Humble pies or more Porky pies from your every corrupt and criminal shore? Your arrogance and strategic silence are only amplifying your pestilence and you know the charges are true, and are therefore them not denying! By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Popes, Arch/bishops: What is it going to be? Humble pies or more Porky pies from your every corrupt and criminal shore? Your arrogance and strategic silence are only amplifying your pestilence and you know the charges are true, and are therefore them not denying!

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Regarding the charges of fascism, CSA, organised crime, incl. murder, torture, abduction, enforced adoption, treason, cover ups of crimes, abuse of immunity and impunity, what is your plead? I know that under all your arrogance you are frightened from your own shadows, as in the olden days you would have ended as a burning effigy or on Captain Kidd's gallows!!!

Such is the severity of the situation and make that in every by you and your inner fascist circles  - not by God! - forsaken nation! You will eventually have to take up your cross of every life's loss, whose blood is on your hands, and your heresy and blasphemy about Mary Magdalene's womb that your Judas succession transformed in every generation and season with double-tongued incantations into a tomb, will be the leadt of your problems, as you put real lethal poison into your Eucharistic feast cup!

In the face of the victims of the organised criminality under abuse of Vatican and Anglican church immunity, ye popes and numerous arch/bishops, you better come off your high horse and write to the prosecution voluntarily individually and collectively a confession letter without concession, and best not in hieroglyphs or Norse but preferably in plain words, as the truth is sharper than your swords, and all your empty elocution won't save you by your desecrated and by ritual bloodshed consecrated St Magnus bells!

You gave faithful and humble selfless human beings your hells and your sinister and arrogant treatment and mocked the innocent souls, who entered your naves, where each of you boastingly out of hours but even at broad daylight misbehaves!

The details are in numerous Bobbies' little back blook and undercover agents' reports - it took many teams years to keep track and gather the evidence of you crooks! And you abused for far too long your immunity worldwide to silence your victims and loose ends and also the whistleblowers.

You even arranged in lightspeed mock funerals with wreaths and flowers to threaten and intimidate a crown witness, so that they would be for the court hearing either not available and rather accepted their fate, as you also sabotaged witness protection and made sure that via your underworld connections a rescue team came for the witness too late!

And by the time, you had every landslide synod debate you had either bribed off or killed those, who were in the way of your secret agenda and of your spiderwebs, who only ever have contempt for the meek human beings, as you call them 'plebs'.

My grandmother Mathilde used to say: 'The most arrogant fall the deepest from their high horse.' 
See you later, alligators! In court!

But I won't hesitate to get an emergency injunction from the High Court, should any of you stalk my friends and family in Fellows Court! Imagine that - even a retired judge blew on you the whistle to me one day on the bus through Whitehall and hoped that I would speak on his behalf and answer for help for the victims of your pestilence his call!

You see, even in the Pall Mall they have enough of being cheated and maltreated by you fake piety criminals and treated rough! They get suddenly with testimonies out of the big silence against you tough! As the flock of your victims united and shared their troubles and distress and wounds and has taken with law enforcement officials of your crimes against humanity and even of your involvement in spnsoring terror acts stock, and it sounds like you are soon to be standing in the dock!!!

So, what is it going to be?! By God, for your own sake I recommend to you to confess to the truth, and nothing but the truth about your evil deeds and greed and organised crime as creeds, as already you are up in line for eternal condemnation with all your sins retained - 

as you have from putting wrong right refrained and have numerous victims silenced and their reputations stained! The truth spoken out and released into the subconsciousness and mainstream made the victims strong, and your silence does your own fall into your own hells of your returning curses and spells only delay but your punishment prolong!

And your sandcastles of your new world order with even in Britain newly in anarchy and chaos and fascist terror embattled borders, if you had your way, will via the truth in the open as facts shatter, as your criminal and riots acts and the number of stolen and smuggled artefacts and blackhole money are one hell of a slithering and slippery mass slide into the bottom of your own corrupt see with an already dead Atlantis again in tatters!

Who wants to lick your poisoned strawberry icecream van cone anyway and eat your mouldy bread and receive from you yet another millstone?! As from where I am standing you started rebranding your shadowy black rose domaine into a strawberry one via your infusion of drugs and your Blackberry texting thugs, and guess what - you didn't really use mind intrusion but simply electronic bugs, even for church confessions! And you tempered with electricity and gas and appliances and plugs in crown prosecution witnesses' flats and houses and you threatened to kill even judges' and prosecutors' spouses!

Boys, old boys! Didn't you know that over from Rome to Dover was your Sunday morning fake piety shoe from the moment the truth set foot in your places, and truth landed on the ground, you were doomed with your lies and mercenaries, and now even vets and pets recognise and point their fingers to your faces in the courtroom!!!

Shouldn'st have allowed your carefully selected parish council boards to use the churches also for their twelves covens and lodges, who play witches brooms and plot the next crimes from the lurches and of whom each the fare dodges under a stolen identity, as now you are also their multiple crimes under chimes blindspot!

You are in the hot spot!!!'



  1. The Abbey of the Holy Rose is grateful to the NSA, MI5 and MI6 for the continuous documentation, remote observation and active protection against the Vatican's efforts to slander, threaten and kill off all, who laid down their lives for the truth about this criminal church organisation. The virtual Abbey of the Holy Rose started as a spiritual and multi-disciplinary forum and became a sanctuary for the victims of international organised church criminality to this very day. In gratitude to the numerous volunteers, officers and agents, who selflessly defend/ed the voiceless and especially to those, who laid down their lives for the former. Their sacrifice keeps us going and has led to evermore reopened and new revelations and subsequent investigations. Thank you also to the FBI and other agencies worldwide, who kept cold cases open in one way or another. In gratitude, Countess Sigrid von Sigrid Gräfin von Galen


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