Cyber Security - mind the smokescreen of church vestments, as Churchhouse staff secretly hires Hackers and doublecrosses Vatican and Anglican insider investments and arranges via abuse of immunity blackhole losses and conspires with cash street and doorposts even in parishes and wider local community, and with killers rhyme also one, two, three Millers, by Sigrid Countess von Galen

Cyber Security - mind the smokescreen of church vestments, as Churchhouse staff secretly hires Hackers and doublecrosses Vatican and Anglican insider investments and arranges via abuse of immunity blackhole losses and conspires with cash street and doorposts even in parishes and wider local community, and with killers rhyme also one, two, three Millers,

by Sigrid Countess von Galen

Little did I know, when I started to finally engage with the digital world, how intertwined the cyber space already is with almost every aspect and factor of the physical world. If used for serving truth and justice and peace and the benefit of humanity, and for the defense of its human rights and for science, education and business, information security and technology and the tools for their safeguarding are fields of numerous opportunities in creativity and expression and communications across borders, globally, in one digital and physical world joint by shared interests and the desire for peace and human dignity and justice for all of humanity.

It is in a short space of time, when I attended Info-Security recently that I caught up in lightspeed with an industry that is as versatile as its end-users. I also learnt beyond the various concepts and applications of technology and software that we are in the middle of cyber war already, with NATO having declared cyberspace as a warzone.

With malware and ransomware being secretly high-financed by warmongers (who are actually not at all new but just old key chess players, who treat the world like their board and even countries and legal entities and institutions as their pawns and human beings like slaves) and ever reemerging in new contexts and as shadows and criminal mirrors and sinister copycats of original
content and regrouping as new formations we seem to be targeted in all aspects of our lives, with a vulnerability that exposes us in all areas of our very being, even in our own homes and around the corner.

And out of carelessness and simple error we might enter accidentally zones that we would have never ever even noticed before, and we are dragged right into an inferno of competing pirates, who intercept and manipulate and steal and sell on our very data and privacy!

I have learnt very quickly that we need to support also our world pro-actively and connect with those, who work tirelessly to keep us safe, namely agencies and companies and institutions and true charities that have a track record of integrity. 

But we must also be aware that the villains, who steal even our identity or authenticity might be right next to us or our neighbours or friends turned mercenaries out of envy or greed or ill-will.
I was astounded, how many big disasters in cyberspace happen due to human error and carelessness and thoughtlessness. We have a duty and responsibility to report crimes and we should share with those, who stand out as clear beacons of truth and justice and peace promoting ways of security with integrity and free of greed!

I was humbled by the many outstanding talents and original minds amongst the cyber security
community, who truly care and who are deeply concerned with the violations of privacy and especially of the sensitive nature of defence, policing and the military but also of healthcare and education.
We all are called to share our experiences and observations as simple human beings but also with our interdisciplinary skills and each with our own gifts, whatever they are. We must not alliw that ransom ware pirates can simply threaten vital services and sensitive areas that would affect many people!

Governments departments and companies involved in setting up and maintaining our safety and cyber security should be able to share their concerns and the threats that they are exposed freely rather than having to put on an 'all is safe and well' empty face value mask with misleading and decptive cosmetic elocution - I rather trust a leader, who makes an honest admission of a problem and help them solving the problem than to rely on a gamble of public relation and a culture of cover ups and psychological manipulation!

The truth is always the best protection against all threats, as it takes the power of artifically stirred up fear away from the one, who threatens. Often the culprits and blackmailers are even well known but are even being granted impunity and/or immunity despite their organised criminality that is being committed even in our own virtual and physical community! 

It is wrong to keep a secret and to cover up a high-profile backer's employing and recruiting of criminally minded mercenaries and hackers! And things go only from worse to outright warfare eventually, if involved are secret societies like freemasonry and Templar knights and such old networks, who share insider knowledge and take their gamble on the world's misery that they elaborately create and plot in Swiss conventions and around the Vatican round table and its tentacles not just via the knights of Wall Street and in virtual Fleet Street!

We have all long been called to serve peace, justice and truth and prosperity that is based on decency and human dignity and not on greed and organised crime, as it is high time to change back to a world that is liveable and safe for all of humanity. 

