A Holy Man called Chad, by Sigrid Countess von Galen

A Holy Man called Chad,

by Sigrid Countess von Galen

A Holy Man called Chad already back at the Whitby Synod
enough had of the hypocrisy and organised criminality and 
Roman empire strategy enforced by a strategically
and systematically bribed and groomed corrupt church hierarchy,
which placed mercenaries as infiltrators posing as religious
brothers and sisters, who whispered under their pretence
of prayers curses even for blisters, and

who were equipped with sharp daggers and poison and many
books conceived, in hidden codes written and copied again 
and again by numerous crooks, who trained to kill on demand
the likes of St Chad and his friends of his old Celtic church
even in cloisters with poison blamed on rotten
pike or the oysters or an axe gone loose courtesy of the 
manipulation of some unbegotten golden goose.

Chad loved Etheldreda and she loved him also over the brim
but there were always those, who wanted them apart, as 
Etheldreda was a princess, and her father and brother rather 
married her to yet another potential territorial growth aristocrat,
who hoped that his kingdom would blossom with her as the 
Holy Rose.

When finally Etheldreda had fled from her second enforced spouse
with her chastity intact, to her aunt Hilda's house, the latter being
sadly a woman with a double-tongued agenda, to have her
marriage annulled by the equally double-faced bishop Wilfred,
Etheldreda found herself confronted by the duo with strange heretical
books in their monastery shelf.

In fact, she suddenly realised that the abbess Hilda and the bishop
Wilfred wanted Chad and Etheldreda and their simple faith in the one 
good God dead, before they could get married in the old way 
and simply share a simple home without any dome and be happy
with water and bread, Etheldreda warned Chad that the secret couple
Wilfred and Hilda threw at Chad already secretly every single stone

that they could find and wanted Etheldreda's throne and have their 
humble sheep flock 'culled', whom Chad had taught the simple truth 
of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala in stories and with the poetry of the psalms,
whilst Etheldreda gave away her jewellery for alms and lulled the 
children of their friends with soothing ancient lullabies.

Chad was so humble that he walked everywhere by foot and gave away
a horse gifted to him by Theodore, who was afraid the reappointed Bishop
Chad might otherwise take too long for his walks from house to house
of his flock and Etheldreda was dreading that her beloved Chad might 
be made to stumble by the traps of a mercenary or grudging maid

or that he might be abducted by the evil Roman cohorts and pirates, 
who hated her for having sent against the latter the law enforcement for a raid.
Anyway, it was sadly back then in vain, when Chad and his brother Cedd
did in Whitby try in facour of the simple living faith to debate,

as the Roman cohorts put on him and her every invented and slanderous
character stain, and it was some of their own monastic sisters and brothers,
who had been in fact Wilfred and Hilda's mercenaries and Roman rogue spies,
who did Chad and Etheldreda in the end slain.

But the truth has the power to reveal itself and suddenly, even after centuries
and millennia it pops up unexpectedly in a long forgotten but not rotten bookshelf
and the table turns on every single fable, when the victims of the evil organised 
churches no longer with their perpetrators mingle and put the facts of ongoing
criminal acts on the table.

When Chad and Etheldreda had enough of being even posthumously cheated 
and maltreated by the Wilfred and Hilda secret society den, then even every 
pompous church not just under the roof of Wren or with a dome that is in reality
to a devil's hoof a home will be known as organised crime syndicate that already 
at the synod of Whitby made provisions for future generations with criminal and
tactical ethnic cleansing instructions from the lurch reconfirmed by every synod

and the survivors of even by poisonous incense induced deadly cough would be 
in the position to prove that the church hierarchies always and again made to lies
and organised crime and to world dominion and territorial violent expansion
their every move.

Chad and Etheldreda now hand in hand throw at Wilfred and Hilda back
a certain glove and invite them to have a drink of the latter's own 
under sulphur stink brewed poisonous concoction of ginster and foxglove -

by all means, let the present Wilfred and Hilda simply confess to the modernday Theodore
in the presence of the international law enforcement agencies their sins and crimes
and pestilence, as their own members did after the latest London fire on them 
already the beans spill.

After all, even in Wilfred and Hilda society they know the old commandment:
'You shall not kill!' And no longer do they have an archbishop's immunity for any
impunity amendment.

Deo Gratias!


