Mother Superior's Doomsday Clock: 6. The Bishop's Mirror, by Sigrid Countess von Galen

Mother Superior's Doomsday Clock:

6. The Bishop's Mirror,

By Sigrid Countess von Galen

Foreword: Now you know, why Elisabeth I. could no longer bear her own reflection in the mirror, as it showed too clearly the truth of her organised criminality and sinful heresy and blasphemy right back into her face and it revealed the bloodshed by her every secret society snake on her dress, and all she saw after Dee's black magic backfired on her tragic was bloody mess created by her every secret society draw also with a raven's claw and toad, and they are still out to kill on the road!

'Don't blame me, bishop, for what you in my reflection see! I only show you, who you are and do it with everybody, who does about any holy soul care, share! And there is no point yourself to yet another black magic degree and level to appoint and with your Chrism oil to anoint, as you committed serious crimes and will go ultimately into prison also physically, as mentally you are already under lock, and in a tight grip, as you gave one too many a whistleblower priest a stroke, you evil bloke, and hired a death nurse to put an air bubble in a drip, or let an almost dying patient from fertiliser poisoned water sip.

You even had access to let electronic chips implant into your priest's teeth or at the replacement of a hip! For enforced obedience and as mark of the beast invisibly! And you enforced on them regularly drugs, and blackmailed them, should they blow the whistle to have them declared as mad or framed as thugs!

You are one hell of an evil corporate entity, and it will be part of the healing process for your victims to take you to task also publicly legally. As you did nothing to repent and did proceed with your every crime and the actus reus and mens rea in your cases are clear and you fulfill all criteria for successful prosecution, as watertight against your empty elocutions loopholes is the evidence and the testimony of every single survivor, whom you subjected to crimes against humanity and you even now commit and ommit unspeakable crimes and at least with recorded conspiracy and intent to harm with your secret society!

And what you did with your FIF inner circle fascist hierarchy constitutes organised crime and conspiracy and many other criteria, for which you are personally and collectively legally liable. And with even those barristers and lawyers of the law society' who had a part in your video taped city of London murderous activity now confessing that they were with the intent to murder the mother superior of the order of the Holy Rose on your behalf for their own secret society lodge with their own colleagues for cover ups and as their loose ends messing you do not stand a chance even to get a defence in court, and you will have to face the music all by yourself.

Gives you a taste of your own medicine, and then, you can show, how the devil gets you out of that misery!He won't, as he himself has surrendered finally, as he can't find a single sponsor anymore for his bloody fascist shore and for bribery and locked up is now also every former by you hijacked safehouse property for forensic investigation in more than one nation! 

I give you one last advice::Surrender to the MI5 and give up and confess your mess finally voluntarily before your whole shore stands at your door and declares you publicly the first homosexual  babylonian whore, who cheated on his wife and maltreated holy men and women with utter brutality and forced them into rape and who even organised paedophilia strategically and groomed little altar servers systematically into a life with a ritual knife and organised criminality!'

'Well, bishop, I didn't think you would dare to look at yourself again! You are not really seriously contemplating to report your own sins and crimes that you committed against your kins and humanity after all to the MI5 with the missing details that you first time round framed with and falsely shamed with your priests and colleagues and from your confessions as concessions ommitted?! 

You know, how long that kind of queue of fake-whistleblowers is, who now pretend that they did undercover on their own to the law a helping hand lend?! Only that they don't repent and never ever their report sent! And, of course,also do not share voluntarily that they lied and stole and even killed for their climb on your secret society's snake ladder! And now you winder and have lost track of your piratery stack, as you tried with Chartres to create pockets of artificially joined 'couples' to keep through female priests an eye closely with even toothchip surveillance technology on your FiF remaing few priests, who did not accept bribery and resisted your threats and bore your torture and corrupt community police officer's stolen ivory stick beats! 

Well, bishop, what do you see yourself  in your mirror, now that you have lost your spiritual gifts and the ability to scry, and on top the Vatican and Anglican corrupt and fascist see they regard you now as loose end and as a liability and you are only still out of prison because you are still hiding like them under their diplomatic immunity - but they have lost over too many lives through their ritual knives also their authority and will also lose eventually their impunity suddenly! And simply don't respond to your calls for cover ups anymore, and let your mail bounce back in error!

So, bishop, realistically, you are already on your own, and just still play to yourself the biggest fool and miserable sarcastic clown! As your cover is long blown of the anti-fascist, as your actions of sheer naked terror spoke a different language,and  that of the evil of the fascist and Anti-Christ devil, and you were his other advocate, and you corrupted not just churchwardens into secret societies draws and let them draw to kill whistleblowers the last straw! But, you see, some priests did survive the beans with the truth  and with Jesus Christ's spiritual gifts on you to spill, and in you with the release of your most unholy acts and organised criminality, including fraud, rape, murder, theft, high treason against your country etc. pp. some fear of the judgement by the one good God to instill! And neither your threats nor maltreats nor laud did win over the holy souls, and the one good God gives them through the unspeakable facts of your most vile acts and fouls back their dignity and integrity!

The MI5 has long known that you have to your victims of abuse and organised paedophilia and secret society templar knights' organised criminality no mercy shown and that you even also mocked and shocked them verbally sarcastically! Look at you! Your once brilliant mind sends you now into your own Satanic mill's grind, as you cannot a single good hair on head find! 

You engaged in organised sin and crime and sold your soul to the sulphur foul of the occult and indulged in black magic! And the one good God does draw the line now and presents you with the facts of your criminal acts and truth and lets you face the music and lets you pay your every in vicarages under a stolen identity of a vicar caused bill and fine and you will have to put wrong right without further ado and restore to your wronged priests their integrity!

Or you will in the end nevermore be able to sit at any table, and under arrest is now your own breed around your miserable table along with your anyway heretical and pick and mix fable and fascist male mares artificial insemination and gene manipulation secret society fascist breeding stable! 

You know that you entered a no-go zone for a priestly drone by making a pact with the devil and ate all you could also from the drug induced Heiligenkreuz Schoenborn unicorn-devil's horn tree, and loved to order from the most expensive escort agencies every top rated male prostitute and let them train your chosen deacons into their trade and forced heterosexual priests into homosexual acts and to attend your rotten flesh sodomy orgies with gay corgies, as otherwise, you would have killed the priest's family or friends one by one, and I give you back now also this stone! 

You see staring back at you the one good God's disgust at and condemnation of your greed and lust and at your indulging in weeed. It was you, who drugged your priests, who involuntarily under utmost distress had to 'serve' you stripped of their basic human dignity by being raped by you in enforced homosexuality, and you mugged them and thugged on them harassing them sexually even in the sacristy and sanctuary! 

Look at you, it is already known, as the MI5 has the evidence to wider circles for a warning shown,as all secret societies are now finally under arrest collectively by God's law authority internationally! And you are one of the last, who still pretends to fast and who resists confession and with your every secret society still wants to kill in a blast and to bully not just priests but also a whole community. But there has come the point, where even the most corrupt only evermore do at face value as part of their bail conditions accepts from you and yours bribery and who plot renewed crimes under abuse of church authority! Look in the mirror, bishop! As you still hope to become pope by killing off your opponents and to frame them as crook, as you think you have the right occult book to make it all happen!

You are so deluded and have all the wrong minds intruded, when you abused your gifts that now your own mind into madness drifts and your obsession with power becomes the last, as there is no point of extending your fast because nobody is to you anymore any shore's blackhole money lending nor for your organised criminality any property or forensic clear up team with special disappearing skills to cover up your kills for thrills! And you no longer have access to certain royal seals and frills! And expect the highest in the country legal bills now altered to your own name, as the Vatican and Anglican hierarchy can no longer afford your shame, you are one hell of their liability and they treat you as their nemesis in deniability!

Is that the reason, why you keep,lately a low profile and avoid any extra-mile, as you even receive in the street a look that is a mirror of your evil and organised criminality and that reflects your lack of humility, and that screams at you silently to take up your responsibility finally, as nobody already does you anymore in any shore, or at the most, sarcastically, greet!
And that is not in your imagination nor a hallucination but reality and not an error!

You thought life as a humble holy man is too much of a bore, so you started to plunder the churches from the lurches with your churchwardens and opened one after the other rose plated store with even plastic cards attached - but, you see, the piratery was by the MI5 with your secret society matched, as you were secretly and openly watched by holy souls, who saw right through your fouls!

You did also supply to a certain priest's wife the templar knight poison that took his life, and she does no longer do this deny, nor on your bribery nor on your discretion rely, as you did her once too often publicly with a remark on her widow's pension defy, and so, she rather confessed that she big time for you and your organised Vatican and Anglican fascist  syndicate of crime messed, and accordingly the MI5 instructed and since then in humility dressed.

Boy, ol' boy, bishop! Imagine, not even in Oxford do they want to know you now anymore, as you are even for the golden ox shore because of what you did to the priest, whom you tried to  kill and whom you labelled 'the black fox' for the fatally intended drill, one hell of too much a liability, and so, you will be struck off their alumni!

And a word or two had to confess about you also a Joyce Adewumi! And another one with your secret society cone, who return now finally on behalf of their victims right to the MI5 your every stone! Looks like, bishop, you are from now on on your own, and I sign off, too, and leave you as walking dead to bury your dead alone!'

 Bishop's  Diary,

Bishopry diary of a Bishop of Fulham, of a John Broadhurst, reread now from the years the entries from the years 2000-2008 are all wiped out, for fears of prosecution, at least in his official one, not in the one that he led for his secret  society with a cone:

20th June 2000 Confirmation at St Chad Haggerston, NON EVENT (official church records)

20th June 2000 secret after party past midnight with secret key from Sisters of St Margaret Walsingham and Haggerston via Jan Dewhurst in St Chad, as vicar must not know because he is being framed for it; bookings for male prostitutes for me and my FiF and Westminster cathedral Vatican associates, including FiF master general, paid from collect of early evening non-event and stolen collection from St Magnus by priory friends and members at charismatic event (Enid Jealous, Jan Dewhurst, Ann Neely and Joan Judge, must suggest for own secret society, as good longfinger and threatening and blackmail people skills and each of them without hesitation reputation and lives with ritual knives and poison kills). Wine for free from London Bridge wine bar on St Magnus tap account. Must organise new olacement for verger there eventually, so that account needs not be settled and he is off the hook, and we hide him elsewhere, as he is useful crook, and knows, how to fiddle, accordingly to Chartres, the accounts book!

That confirmation was not really a success story, as for some reason these confirmands were not buying my bullshit and even the trick with the microphone relay did not buy me the usual time to come up with an old joke and the Chrism oil  I brought was the one that gave me, not them, as a returning curse a boil and I had to call Jan, the churchwarden and former secretsociety  death nurse to give me the templar knight anti-dote! All went somehow wrong, as I was nervous about the newcomers in the parish asking me about the bishopry vote. Why can't they keep out new members altogether there?! Honestly, can't be that difficult to be rude and sarcastic and in repercussions threats a bit more drastic to filter out people, who come for truth and real worship, instead of building a secret fascist party for U-kip!

As with Hitler's body parts frozen underneath St Chad's even Hampstead Heath is pale from envy that I have that corpse under my watch and I let the temperature from controls in churchhouse check and if it has to be accordingly to the technology with the right degree match! But the freezer eventually broke down and nobody had me the fault alarm report shown, as, of course, only a few people knew about this, and so, even Her Majesty did at me in fury in Drury lane frown, and I felt like one of her Dalston church clowns! 

I know that Enid Jealous had many secret keys made, and each churchwarden, although I this strictly forbade but what could I do - I was hardly in the position to tell them off, when they in turn found me in the vicarage garden with a dead corpse and spade and the next time with a ritual victim of our secret society's feast, who suddenly went all lifeless and the skin did already harden. I must have used a knife with a Johnny Scissorhead blade, whilst I that youngster abused and I was rather confused, how I could have his head with his legs confused. But, you see, that night that Schoenborn bloke came from Heiligenkreuz and he told me that he could teach me, how to give others a stroke, and I must have overdone it, as back at me came that bit of a nasty hokey-coke. 

Anyway, I was already on my way, when I received a call to report to the Pall Mall, for some more killing sport, as there were whistleblowers suddenly coming forth from all directions forward in faith, can you believe it! They did indeed find a copy of our Satanist and fascist templar knight creed and wanted to hand it to the MI5, these priests! So, I was in quite a hurry, still rumbling from that poisoned goat curry of that Salami bloke, who constantly about blackhole money opportunities and ivory trade spoke! 

Yet another beast breeder and voodoo chicken cult poison feeder, who is a special kind of hell creeder with a thumb piano as a church bell. Good that I at least can these things to my diary tell! Imagine, if it into the hands of that choir mistress with baby in her pouch fell, as she already miraculously survived our every death spell and attack and somehow all of heaven seems to give all my bad fruits to us in FiF via the Vatican evil axis back, but since this Gloria von Thurn and Taxis sent her secret Ratzinger daughter, we do no mercenaries lack and can put even more whistleblowers and children of sacrifices under the Vatican impunity to the slaughter. And Her Majesty lets in turn Josef Ratzinger and his secret family and fascist society use even the local Haggerston and Shoreditch GP practice and the priory of the Sisters of St Margaret and local schools and secret gardens as their ritual playground for even letting torture our non-conforming priests with a torture specialist bloodhound! 

You can tell that Satan from earth into his own abbyss of hell fell, when the templar knights face their own torture instruments and each grand master ever faster repents and shows fright in the bright truth light! 

Crash! Pop go the templar knights soapbubbles and tumbling down their sandcastles and new constructions of sand, concrete, glass and steel, as the one good God saw all the crimes and turns not only the tables on all heretical fables and every secret society draw but also for purification in every nation his holy spirit's illuminating wheel, and suddenly rockbottom land under the feet of most holy souls at Jesus Christ's judgement throne even in the middle of a street all, who were once on every secret society on the top, 

and nobody does them anymore in any shore greet, and gone with the wind is their once pompous fascist fleet and they are left and bereft in their own darkness and mess as thug and whore, who was corrupt to the core! And there is only a once luxurious bed, into which they now all alone hop, whilst their former spouse does also the last testimony about their murderous attempt on him or her and even on a child to the MI5 drop. 

And for the rest of their lives will return their stones that they threw from the pew and sanctuary or remotely as member or grand masters of a secret society, and they might suddenly also be surprised by their victim's clones! And I, for my part, see at the very mention of Anglican, Vatican, Lutheran and all church and religious and secret hierarchies, who subscribe to heresy and blasphemy even officially and enforce them via templar knights' organised criminality and via McKinsey publicity and other such global entities with in the end only the same four on the top, only evermore red! 

And that kind of scum is not born and bred but chews even in pews or at the altar purposefully bubblegum and does always come late to mass and puts on the wrong conclusion on the news and appears in killer crews strategically forlorn, and wears secretly a unicorn or devil's horn and sometimes dresses up as Scottish lass or Irish guy or French baker, 

and is the biggest piety faker and everything taker and even a fan of some baseball team laker and cornshaker as their disguise. As not just a Carlos taught them well, how to conceal from the world the templar knights hell. But you see, whosoever relies on a fee, will eventually be sold out to the next see, and one day even the last tit-for-tat will come to an end, 

when suddenly the one and only master always gets before  his assassin ever faster to stop the bomb the latter wants on him to drop. And sometimes the master is fat and sometimes he is slim, and sometimes he is found with catching yet another templar knight rat and sometimes he holds up into the evildoers' face their own mat before he puts on the hand cuffs on their wrists! And he has all the top fours' murderous target hitlists and brings them to court even from skiing pists!

Templar knights immoral and whitewash smokescreen industries include corrupt fascist Anglican and Vatican and Lutheran church Hierarchies, who employ even Mc Kinsey officially to hatch from stolen eggs for former princesses with new or hijacked identity a new baby via stolen eggs or by surrogate mother or dispose mercilessly of a new human life, 

with whom they do no longer bother, in a university private wing with a ritual knife and others do there the next little fascist toyboy or masterrace deluded roy or the next generation of mistresses for their various secret orders of the ravens, talons and toads and secret societies across the borders produce via artificial insemination breed as a whole batch of filtered genes and carefully screened and greened toad tones, 

as these secret society cones grand masters also make robots and clones, whilst they at the originals throw deadly stones or torture them to death under sulphur breath in old templar knights manner! And some even are Egyptian death cult skin and human flesh tanners, who even lie about their children to holy women, and say there is no foetus to be seen on the scanner, as the death doctors were on the ritual sacrifice over a game of cards or dice keen!

The history of templar knights butchery is as long as is their victims' gruesome testimony!
And even as Satanists the popes have consecutively not being able to present publicly the reality of the extent of their fatality and brutality, and the sheer scale of crimes against humanity as well as giving hell to holy souls with unspeakable fouls individually! You have to be either a victim of their organised criminality or have a criminal mind to imagine such Satanic mills' grind!

And the leaders of the churches have known all along of these crimes and most have done nothing at all to bring the templar knights or other such secret societies to the fall with also their heresy and blasphemy that they even commit unblushingly publicly! 

And, of course, those big silent figures in the dark or forefront do the facts that they themselves did crimes and unholy, criminal acts commit even from their confessions ommit and make on all their bribery and property deals generously before their own little non-conscience an absolution deal, and do suddenly after an early sudden retirement from their responsiblity into invisibility steal, 

as they know only too well that one day God's judgement is catching up with their membership and hidden and forbidden service to hell, and they are in shock, when suddenly even Jesus Christ's meek and humble flock can break their evil streak and every devil's spell, as they did survive and live the truth to tell. And those, who died at the hands of templar knights, relied on their friends and family on their behalf to bring out the facts of against them most unholy criminal and inhuman acts! 

And in big letters unrepentant popes, cardinals, bishops and clergy read on banners or on stained bread: 'you shall not kill!' And suddenly crushed are the evil hierarchies' sandcastles and hopes of extended diplomatic immunity and impunity, as they messed too much with their own family and in many a parish and community and knew all about the organised criminality in the sanctuary and pew,of a black rose, who did already as English rose in her black magic ever so tragic overdose and who is so murderously minded that she even her victims not just blindfolded but blinded! 

And everybody, who accepted a bribery deal of money, shares and property did not exactly live that long happily after necessarily! It ain't necessarily so, ain't it?! As the templar knights always liked higher returns for their investments in costumes, vestments and infestments, and helped to speed up via their Sisters of St Margaret priory nurses and certain Lawson practice death doctors and others the death of their former sisters and brothers in the Anglican and Vatican shore, if they suddenly felt guilt-ridden about their involvement in organised crime and had blown the whistle even to the thistle at nighttime.

The upper hierarchies have a track record right down into the epicentre of their own abbyss and concrete underground kiling and mind milling and for torture grilling facilities to be killing mercilessly and unashamedly and unblushingly and to threaten with their ritual knives even their heir and wives bluntly!

What do you expect from such devil worshippers, who under abuse of authority and of diplomatic immunity their duties and their repsonsiblities neglect, the truth reject and from accountability with lies defect! 

And who also are as grand masters of various secret societies AND for the templar knights  against their own country mercenaries, who frame even their own government law enforcement and bodyguards and official undercover spies! 

And each of the grand masters towards the MI5 pretends that he or she them a helping hand lends, but behind their backs still the law bends and subjects even police officers and agents and clerks to psychic attacks and rape and threats and to a mercenary kill! 

But not all gave in or died in the process but they lived the beans with creative means to spill, as even whole countries and governments and oppositions had enough of the templar knights and freemasons and Rosecrucians with death cult masterrace allure and of their lethal or sickening blackmail and threats and obsessions with heretical manure!

Hey, bishops, how often did you sell your white collars for pounds, yen, Euro and dollars and your non-existent soul?! 

Are you proud of having thrown at holy souls your fouls and to have kept them away from the truth and instead have them not a single iota of respect and human dig ity nor mercy shown, when you made most holy men and women and innocent children play for you the Sunday morning clown, 

whilst you came half drunk and still stinking of sin like a skunk in a stolen gown and did at the congregation in every nation in sarcasm from your stone heart frown?!

I can't stand the very sight of you liars and most unholy templar knights friars and myriads of black and grey shades with anonymous graves digging spades hooded briars! And you registers of organised criminality and blasphemy reads especially horridly in a courtroom's bright light! 

You have lost your delusional might and you will now pay legally for every life's loss through your ritual knife or through your silence, as your association with the spiderweb of evil came at the highest cost, and even with interest has to pay now and in maximum sentences the devil!

Mother Superior's letter never sent, or was it?! Anyway, the bishops denied that they never ever lied, and that their twisted argumentation was the reason for many a war in many a nation, but it is undeniable that they plotted secretly high treason and taught heresy in every single season and they were captured on film, when they did with organised criminals all over the world from Rome to Dover mingle.

Interesting, bishops, your combination of Judas Ischariot apostolic succession with a criminal organisation and abuse and piratery in many a nation! And, on the truth, you have kept all on levels of starvation, and you even bribed a Lutheran hierarchy in Muenster, so that he the burial of my father overslept! But he not his agreement with you kept and did repent! 

And my family made anyway sure that my father was buried properly and with the right St Chad Catholic sacrament by your own priests, who are part of the Jesus Christ apostolic succession, and they have not made in their testimonies to the authorities on your crimes a concession, and have not broken any vow of silence, as the likes of you pikes boast openly with their greed and power and lust obession and replace with sarcasm and arrogance and pestilence the sacrament of confession! 

Interesting, bishops, is the fact that you placed de facto Jan(Janet) Semke-Dewhurst as churchwarden in St Chad in order to facilitate organised paedophilia and criminality across also the St Alban the Martyr parish border, where she was well connected legally with the Blair team, who in their own words, boasted that they are a closed church society, and could get away with any notoriety under the then vicar Howard Levitt, and is it any wonder that with that woman's widespread connections and vulnerable children transportation and organisation paedophilia for the secret societies in church hierarchies and wider circles also in the city wereall under the radar of Islington council and complaints not passed on nor dealt with! 

She forced a vicar in St Chad to let a known paedophile be the verger, who already had with the notorious inner Holy Trinity Hoxton a merger! And I, for my part, have made my testimony but you as bishops blocked every effort to get undone her impunity, as you sheltered her under your diplomatic immunity, although you knew that she and her cronies from the Haggerston St Saviour's priory were in it as well! And the professionals were helpless to even report this ongoing abuse, as she was increasingly by Tony and Cherie Blair's CIA immunity - 

you see, she felt free enough to threaten and bully and blackmail or bribe a whole community against whistleblowers, as she enjoyed abusing her impunity! Bishops, you are at least of association in crime guilty, and only are not in the dock because you abused your authority under diplomatic immunity as well, and you hoped that anybody having to endure this hell of your lame game under a bell would not live for much longer the truth to tell! 

But you are visibly in the responsibility also legally in the eyes of God and of Jesus Christ's flock! And, bishops, I have a lot of testimony to give in a debriefing and you better do not just pray but help that I until then and afterwards safely live, as you went also with murderous attempts not just on my life with your ritual knife from even your Judas Ischariot apostolic succession's every secret society and devil's den's agreement in a letter to surrender without further delay astray. What will you say in the dock, bishops? That you did it your way?! 

And look back on your lives of ritual lives with your cheated wives and see only evermore your abbyss pitchblack?! As you did also stolen church treasures stack, and into the clergy's email accounts hack and with manipulations of data your secret societies' organised criminality under abuse of authority and by taking the mick out of diplomatic immunity and stretching the official secrets act and impunity infinitely also in every community! 

John Broadhurst and Richard Chartres and others: What will you say to your mothers, when you are condemned by God with your sins retained, as you have even your own kins and their names stained and others slained - and your fake-piety and neo-pseudo-repentance is even more blasphemy, as you have purposefully from putting wrong right refrained, and even your relations to the House of Lords' public relations overly strained! 

You better now all confess and clear up also the illegal IVF-mess! Do I make myself clear?! As I still hear in my ear the mockery of one paedophile woman in St Chad in 2007, who unashamedly shouted into the Holy Saturday mass in the sanctuary at the vicar's Easter message 'Hear, hear!' And I knew one day the one good God would  take her to task on her blasphemy and organised criminality by ripping off her face also your secret society's mask! And you might want to also surrender with the poison your flask!' 

By the way, does the size of an arch/bishopry and position strategically reflect the number of abuse and murder victims and 'loose ends' of the degree of an abuser of authority in his freemasonry and other secret society? As there seems to arise statistically a correlation visibly, and that is even for one with the most purposeful blind eye under his cone to see that corrupt is his unholy see - and with every returning curse and stone he becomes to his own hierarchy an ever bigger liability without deniability! How is that for logic and numbers - God punishes you stante pede with your own returning stone and curse backfiring, when His holy souls are being attacked these days even in their slumbers!

