End the Culture of CSA, Ritual Abuse, Human Trafficking -

End the Culture of CSA, Ritual Abuse, Human Trafficking...

By Countess Sigrid von Galen

The Abbey of the Holy Rose is grateful to the NSA, MI5 and MI6 for the continuous documentation, remote observation and active protection against the Vatican's efforts to slander, threaten and kill off all, who laid down their lives for the truth about this criminal church organisation. 

The virtual Abbey of the Holy Rose started as a spiritual and multi-disciplinary forum and became a sanctuary for the victims of international organised church criminality to this very day. 

In gratitude to the numerous volunteers, officers and agents, who selflessly defend/ed the voiceless and especially to those, who laid down their lives for the former. 

Their sacrifice keeps us going and has led to evermore reopened and new revelations and subsequent investigations. 

Thank you also to the FBI and other agencies worldwide, who kept cold cases open in one way or another. 

In gratitude, 

Countess Sigrid von Galen 

Posted by Countess Sigrid von Galen to James John Westcott House at 6/15/2019 10:40:00 am
Sigrid Gräfin von Galen

